I've been preparing for you, anxious to be your little anal whore. I have been walking around the house wearing nothing but satin panties, with a large beady butt plug inside me. Riding it, opening my asshole. When I present myself to you, I take down my panties, and use the but plug to start fucking my asshole. When I look down, I realize, it is completely covered in shit. The ecstasy I was feeling was a big raging backload of greasy, mushy shit that had been stuck inside me for quite sometime. I had been so horny for you, I literally forgot to take a shit.
I now have to accept that I am your anal shit whore, and play with my asshole that is now oozing a massive load of poop. I'm making a big mess on myself, and on my toys. The shit spills underneath my butt cheeks, and I am forced to roll around in it while I play with my naughty holes. I fuck myself nice and deep with a long dildo, and move on to bigger butt plugs, making my dirty shit hole gape and prolapse in pleasure. My pussy is sooo wet the entire time. I finger fuck my ass to get my hands dirty and rub my clit a little. I pull out my big Hitachi wand and let it get dirty with liquid shit as my pussy juices are mixing with the mushy shit that is smeared all over both of my holes.
I let myself edge as I keep playing with my shit-covered toys, pushing the same shit in and out of my asshole. I then use my inflatable butt plug to give myself a really good stretch! I stick the plug in my ass and pump it until it's nice and big. When I pull it out, I push out my rosebud, and use my fingers to open up my dirty asshole. The second or third time I try to insert the plug, it falls right out of me until I can make it big enough to stay inside! I then make the butt plug vibrate, turn on my Hitachi and masturbate my wet, shitty holes. Every thing is dirty, messy, mushy and slippery, to the point where I can barely grip my toys or hold them in place in my asshole. Even the struggle of trying to manage masturbating in my creamy shit mess makes me even more worked up, that I finally have to buzz myself into a glorious squirting orgasmic mess. The juices squirt up into the air, and gush down my filthy asshole, adding to the slippery mess that is underneath me.
I end my beautiful scene with some camera angels of my big mess. Showing off my asshole, pussy, feet, hands, toys, everything is covered! And I feel amazing!
Cast: LindzyPoopgirl
Genre of video: Solo, Shitting, Scatting, Masturbation, Toys, Dildo
Duration: 00:24:35
PaySite: Scat-Shop.com
Quality: HD 720p
Resolution: MPEG-4 Video 1280x720 25.836 FPS 3161 kb/s
Format: mp4
Size: 556 MB
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